Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Interpersonal Communication is....

As of right now, I actually feel like a college student. Not the social aspect, not the sports aspect, but, I do believe, I look, and finally feel, the part. Pajama pants, a hoodie, and my hair looking nice from the day, I look like a girl who just doesn't really care right now because she has an exam in just a little over 14 hours.

Sitting here with my mug of hot chocolate (and mini marshmallows, mind you), I should be studying. For what? Communications 225. Interpersonal Communication & The Self, or something like that. Here's what I've studied so far:

Interpersonal communication is, for the most part, subconcious. Communication is based off of one's culture, ethnicity, gender, social class, & region of the country. And, I just burned my tongue. Just an FYI. There's many different models, but the few I need to be concerned with for tomorrow are the Linear, the Transaction & Interactional model.

Going over all of my notes...I realize, I don't know this at all. I mean, yes, I know it, I understand it...but I can't comprehend it. It hasn't sunk in to my brain where I can say, 'hey, that's the answer!' nope. not happenin'. Not tonight, at least.

Yep...back to the studying. Maybe something fun later.


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