Thursday, February 1, 2007

Classes and Open Houses

At one point in time, everyone has thought, thank God for the internet. They've had to. Well, right now is one of my times. Granted, I should be sitting and paying attention to my prof, but after deleting 5 & 1/2 pages of notes that I had just written, I could really care less. So, we turn to stories, yet again.

The summer of everyone's senior year, open houses are a huge deal. It doesn't even matter if you were friends
with a person or not, you go to their open house. You eat free food, have fun with the same group of people, and take millions of pictures. It just so happened that on June 7th, Jenn and I had a million of Open Houses to go to. At 11:00 AM, I'm sitting in my room waiting for Jenn. When she got to my house, I heard the front door fly open and her scream. "KRISTY!" My mind started racing, and I ran out of my room right into her.

"What?!" I was scared.

"I NEED your help! It's a freaking crisis
!" She pointed at her pants. There was makeup, liquid cover-up spilled all over her jeans.

I sighed, thinking I could have killed her at that exact moment. Then, I started laughing. I was laughing uncontrollably, just looking at the stain. " It's NOT funny!" she was still freaking out.

I motioned for her to follow me, and finally managed to say, "We can fix this. don't worry!" I led her into my parent's room where my mom was. We explained the situation, and my mom got right to work. Glancing at the time, I decided Jenn could wear a pair of my jeans.

With a crisis partially averted, Jenn and I climbed into her truck and got ready to leave. the makeup was laying in her cup holder, and I started laughing again.

"Hey, Jenn?"

"What." she was now starting to laugh, but sh
e knew what was coming.

"You're not allowed to put on makeup in the car anymore. By the order of me." as Jenn started the truck, I got my camera out. I took a picture of the makeup, and the two of us.
I don't even know if I got my jeans back, but it's okay. I still have her pillow and I'm holding it hostage :)

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