Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Asoka Towers, Stupas, next comes Buddha.

Let's start this entry off with a question. Don't worry, it's easy. all multiple choice.

Sweats, baggy t-shirt, and a huge coffee shop mug filled with hot chocolate. What does that sound like to you?
A.) me procrastinating work
B.) Me in the mood to write
C.) Me taking a break from studying
D.) me being pissed off
E.) all of the above.

See, I told you it was easy. Go with your intuition, if you're still having a little bit of a hard time. If you've choosen E, all of the above, you are entirely correct. Let's start at the beginning. I mean, it only seems logical. Or, we can skip around in order like my Art History professor. You know what? Indeed let's do just that. I am taking a break from studying (C). I've had enough of Psychology, Spanish, History, and stupid Buddhist art. Therefore, I wanted/needed a break. Am I procrastinating the rest of my work(A), as well? Yes. Anne Orthwoods Bastard just does not seem appealing to read right now...however, the reading is due on Tuesday, followed by a quiz...and I still have 150 pages to read. I am, also, in the mood to write(B). I haven't done it in a while, and even though I don't really have a topic, random thoughts will come out. Plus, I'm dressed the part. I can't just have a huge mug of hot chocolate, be wearing grungy clothes and not write. It's not in my networking. Yes, I did just refer to my genetic makeup as networking. I've been hanging around geeks and dating a geek for way too long. How about answer D, being pissed off? This is where the real fun begins, readers. Oh, read on and enjoy.

My Art History class. In the course schedule, this class is described as learning about world art, the history of world art. So, in my naive mind, I'm thinking the Mona Lisa, maybe some statues from the Roman We're learnign about Buddhist art. No problem-- except the prof. is an Asian man, who has a bad combover and speaks in very bad bbroken english.

You know what? I've lost all desire to even write about this. It's bed-time.

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